Pas cu Folos pentru 'Pas cu Pas'


Felicia Oland Fundația Pas cu Pas

26% Complete
1,300 RON
Donations raised
5,000 RON
I want to donate!

Its our third year to do this and we are very excited to join this amazing cause one more time! As a family photo for this year's fundraising, I chose a great picture from our Color Run race last year - when I see it, I always think 'let's add color to life' and for me, this special opportunity to donate to an awesome cause, is adding color to other people's lives, especially children!! 

We absolutely love the entire team behind the nonprofit 'Pas cu Pas' (Step by Step). We know their work comes from their heart and desire to help out the many children from the institutionalized care system. We've seen their commitment and dedication first hand and we are thrilled of their future plans. 

This year's goal is to raise money in order to build a picnic area that includes a nice, spacious pavilion in the garden and a special  fire pit for all those lovely outdoor fires. Check out the photos to get an idea. 

I am so honored to be part of each year's dream and this one is quite special. I can so easily imagine the joy and happiness on all these children faces' who will come to the farm, enjoy everything that has to offer, especially a lovely outdoor picnic area, memorable moments by the fire and just feeling loved and cared for. 

You can be part of this amazing cause as well!! Feel free to donate or join us running and/or biking that day, June 4th, 2022! You are invited to Borsa nr. 457, Cluj county or can do it remotely, wherever you are! 

Come be a part of this great cause!! 

The Oland crew 

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ATELIERUL - 0 casă de pace unde cei fragilizați de situații care nu le sunt imputabile vin să se întremeze, să se informeze, să se reconecteze, pentru a o porni apoi pe drumul propriu, personal.



Pas cu Folos 2022 - oferă copiilor din sistem bucuria de a petrece timp la țară explorând natura și seri de neuitat în jurul focului de tabără. Te invităm la evenimentul de anul acesta în cadrul căruia adunăm fonduri pentru amenajarea unui spațiu de picnic, format dintr-un pavilion de grădină și un loc special amenajat pentru mult râvnitul foc de tabără.  În data de 4 iunie av


6 Donations

Keep going, Pas cu Pas!! You guys do amazing job!
06 Jun 2022
03 Jun 2022
150 RON
Thanks for not giving up to collect money for this important charity project!
27 May 2022


200 RON
What an amazing job you are doing!! Keep it up!
27 May 2022

Ioan si Otilia Ciupe

150 RON
Domnul sa va dea putere si inspiratie in tot ce faceti!
16 May 2022


300 RON
Amazing job! Keep it up!
07 May 2022
Felicia Oland : Fundația Pas cu Pas
Pas cu Folos pentru 'Pas cu Pas'